upcomıng events
E-SPORts team
Association of Law, Technology, and Art has signed a protocol with Adana Provincial Directorate of Youth and Sports in the field of e-sports, and efforts to form a team are ongoing.

ongoıng events
"ALIA" e-magazıne

The e-magazine "ALIA" (Art, Law, Innovation, Alliance), focusing on the relationship between Law-Technology-Art and current legal developments related to these disciplines, is born. The magazine will be published quarterly in both English and Turkish.
ALIA published its first issue in November 2024.
AI for LAW 101 bootcamp - wıth techcareer.net partnershıp
Applications are open for the AI for Law Bootcamp, to be held in collaboration with the Association of Law, Technology, and Art and techcareer.net!
In this Bootcamp, specially opened for participants studying or graduated from law school, you will experience the fundamentals of artificial intelligence.
If you also want to improve yourself in the field of technology, apply now!
applıcatıon deadlıne - 10 HAZİRAN
start of bootcamp - 15 HAZİRAN

completed events
We pARTNERED WITH CAIR-NEPAL FOR FUTURE events and organızatıons
Cair Nepal primarily focuses on AI research and developing safe AI technologies that will have a positive impact on society and human life. We discussed the projects we could carry out together as a society focused on the intersection of technology and law. We also provided information about ALIA E-Magazine, our events, and conferences, laying the groundwork for future collaborations.
september 21, 2024
We had the pleasure of meeting with Bora Koçyiğit, Vice President of the Esports Federation. This visit was incredibly insightful, giving us a firsthand look at the dynamic and rapidly evolving world of esports. We toured Papara GamerHub, gaining a deeper understanding of the legal needs of the sector and the rights of esports athletes.
Furthermore, we had a productive meeting with Attorney Gürkan Özocak, President of the Disciplinary Board of the Turkish Esports Federation. Our discussion centered around the future of esports law, current legal challenges, and emerging trends in the field.
Continuing our visit, we met with Istanbul Governor Davut Gül for a fruitful consultation regarding the future endeavors of our Association.
We partıcıpated ın thırd turkısh ınformatıcs councıl
Our association was invited to the 3rd Informatics Council, organized by the Presidential Digital Transformation Office and the Turkish Informatics Foundation. Our association was represented at the event by our president, Volkan Kurtar, and board members Berna Gökkaya and Tuğberk Taşkaya.
june 24-28, 2024

Legal desıgn, law & ınnovatıon
A conference on Law and Innovation and a subsequent workshop on Legal Design were held at the Adana Courthouse conference hall with the participation of Assoc. Prof. Dr. Pınar Çağlayan Aksoy from Bilkent University and Prof. Dr. Tanel Kerikmäe from Tallinn University of Technology, Estonia, and LL.M Ebru Metin.
aprıl 19, 2024

TECH lıteracy for legal professıonals
An interactive conference was organized by our association with the support of Adana SEYTİM, with the participation of Attorney Elif Hilal Umucu, The conference covered concepts such as Blockchain, Smart Contracts, DAOs, NFTs, and the competencies a lawyer should have in the field of technology.
MARch 9 2024

Englısh from scratch wıth BİNNAZ DÜZGÜN
Free English education from scratch by Binnaz Düzgün, exclusively for lawyers and trainee lawyers!
MARch 4 2024

A conference on the legal aspects of NFTs, Blockchain, and Artificial Intelligence applications was organized by our association at the Adana Regional Courthouse conference hall, with the participation of Assoc. Prof. Dr. Pınar Çağlayan Aksoy and Assoc. Prof. Dr. Hüseyin Can Aksoy from Bilkent University and Assoc. Prof. Dr. Zehra Özkan Üner from Ankara University.
february 29 2024